Surrogacy Australia’s Support Service is a professional service based on best practice models. It is designed to support both surrogates and intended parents to form well-suited teams and also to support those teams over their surrogacy journeys with inbuilt counselling, mentoring and expense management support.
Monthly Update of SASS member numbers of surrogates and IPs.
SASS Flow chart and costs of Stage 1 and Stage 2
Testimonials about SASS and member feedback
Looking for access just to the Portal (Intranet)?

Hear about the whole SASS process in this recorded webinar
1 hour and 11 minutes
Suitable for surrogates and Intended Parents
Yes – that’s a lot of time. Surrogacy will be an enormous amount of time, so consider this hour an investment in your journey.
Surrogate membership is FREE, and we will cover any costs you incur to apply, such as a GP report and your National Police check.
Intended Parent membership to SASS is $1300. This membership fee covers the cost of your Mentor session, application processing and administration, pre-offer counselling (where required) and a potential introduction to a surrogate. If you are introduced to a surrogate, we encourage you to stay on for Journey Support, which is a $3300 fee for the support provided to you and your surrogate across your whole journey up to twelve months post birth.
Once in the pool of IPs waiting to connect with a surrogate, there is a 6 monthly $130 admin fee to ensure the pool contains active IPs for new surrogates.
Already have a surrogacy team? The $1300 for self matched teams includes coordination with your surrogate to guide your team through the initial stages of surrogacy.
The best starting point if you’re just after information is the Portal (Intranet) $100.
Surrogacy Australia’s Support Service (SASS) is a membership based organisation which aims to be open and inclusive to all, however please see the criteria below to check that you are eligible to join SASS.
- Age Surrogates must be a minimum of 25 years old in most states (18 in the ACT). There is no maximum age limit for surrogates.
- Medical Health Surrogates must be healthy enough to carry a pregnancy. GP reports are obtained during the application process however, if you have a medical condition, please do speak to us as it may not hinder your application.
- BMI Some Fertility Clinics prefer that a surrogate’s BMI should be no higher than 30. A high BMI does not rule you out of joining SASS. If you feel your BMI may hinder your application, please speak to us and we can give you more information.
- Residency Surrogate must be resident in Australia.
Please note child free women who wish to act as surrogates are welcome to apply for membership to SASS. - Webinars All SASS surrogates are required to attend a Surrogate specific webinar around their time of joining. For dates and registration links, see here.
- Monthly Update of SASS member numbers of surrogates and IPs.
Intended Parents (IPs) must be unable to sustain a pregnancy personally.
- If applicable, intended parents must have exhausted their options to conceive themselves, and not be trying to create their family in other ways (e.g. personal IVF or fostering/adoption).
- Intended mothers must provide evidence that they are unable to carry a pregnancy themselves by way of a letter from their GP or their Fertility Specialist.
- Same sex male couples will also need a letter from their GP.
Relationship Status Intended parents who are in a long term relationship or married can apply in all states. Single applicants are eligible in most states (except the ACT).
Residency Where Intended Parents are a couple, they must both be a resident in Australia, and be living together.
Webinars All SASS Intended Parents (IPs) are required to attend an IP specific webinar around their time of joining. For dates and registration links, see here.
Monthly Update of SASS member numbers of surrogates and IPs.
⭐ Join SASS as an Intended Parent ⭐
IPs from VIC? Read here about IVF clinic counselling.