How to become an Intended Parent (IP) with SASS
Step One
Complete an application form to join SASS.
Initial membership requires a non-refundable administration fee of $1300 per application.
The $1300 is a combination of:
- Education
- Mentoring
- Profiling
Bank details
- ANZ, Neutral Bay, NSW
- Surrogacy Australia
- BSB: 012-352
- Acc num: 419 452 874
- Identify this by: first and last name
Intended Parent Application Form (looking for a surrogate)
Intended Parent Application Form (already have a surrogate)
For teams who know each other before surrogacy, the $1300 for Stage 1 includes coordination with your surrogate to guide your team through the initial stages of surrogacy.
Step Two
If you are already engaged with a Fertility Clinic and your Fertility Specialist has confirmed that you are eligible to pursue surrogacy, then they can write this report on your behalf. Please provide them with the form below.
If you are a same sex couple or are not yet engaged with a Fertility Clinic, book a consult with your GP to complete this report together and send it to SASS.
Step Three
Complete a National Police Check for both Intended Parents (if applicable). The cost of this is approximately $42 per check.
You will need to choose the following options when prompted:
- Section 2.3 Purpose of Check
- Purpose type: Commonwealth Employment
- Purpose 37: Care, Instruction or Supervision of Children/Care of Disabled Persons/Aged Care Staff/volunteers
If you (or your partner) have a current National Police check done within the last 12 months, please forward that. Note: it must be a check done at a National level.
Step Four
Complete an online communication quiz (Love Languages) about the 5 Communications styles, selecting either the Couples or Singles quiz, depending on your own situation with a partner or not. If there are two IPs, you need to complete the couples quiz individually as we need two sets of results.
Click here
27 March 2024 – it has been brought to our attention that the Love Languages quiz now requires you to pay to receive your scores in detail. You do NOT need to pay as part of your SASS Application. Please send through a SCREENSHOT of your results.
23 May 2024 – Another update! The Love Languages website is now only showing your top rated Love Languages – we need to see all 5. Please complete this PDF version of the test and send through the scores for each Love Language as totalled at the bottom of the second page.
Step Five
Have a Mentor session with an experienced SASS IP.
We will arrange this with you when the other steps of your application are complete.
This is your chance to ask any questions and learn about surrogacy with an experienced IP who has completed surrogacy in Australia. This 1 – 2 hour long Zoom session (or in person if you all live locally) will help you work out if surrogacy is the right path for you. After this session, you may need some pre-surrogacy counselling with and experienced surrogacy psychologist to help you to work through your emotions, possible grief and the deeper implications of surrogacy. The cost of this session is included in the non-refundable $1300 administration fee.
If you already have a surrogate, this session is included in your payment for Stage 1.
After this consultation you will be placed in our pool of potential IPs who are waiting for a surrogate to select their profile. If you are chosen by a Surrogacy Australia surrogate and select her profile when given the chance to review it, an introduction will be made. Introductions themselves are free.
Once in the pool of IPs waiting to connect with a surrogate, there is a 6 monthly $130 admin fee to ensure the pool contains active IPs for new surrogates.
If you team decides to stay on for Journey Support Stage 2, you will be asked to pay the remaining membership fee of $3300. More information about Stage 2 can be read in our SASS Flow Chart.
Submit all forms/results to Anna at:
Monthly Update of SASS member numbers of surrogates and IPs.
SASS Flow chart and costs of Stage 1 and Stage 2
IPs from VIC? Read here about IVF clinic counselling.
Testimonials about SASS and member feedback

Hear about the whole SASS process in this recorded webinar
1 hour and 11 minutes.
Suitable for surrogates and Intended Parents.
Yes – that’s a lot of time. Surrogacy will be an enormous amount of time, so consider this hour an investment in your journey.