Welcome to Conversations, the podcast with Surrogacy Australia.

Join Anna McKie in conversation with surrogates and parents who have navigated Australian altruistic surrogacy. Anna is a gestational surrogate, high school Math teacher and surrogacy educator working with Surrogacy Australia and running SASS (Surrogacy Australia’s Support Service). 

On this page you will find episodes from gay dads. On the main podcast page you will find recent episodes and links to other categories: surrogates, gay dads, education, Katrina Hale and guests / themes.

These podcasts were recorded as part of our free, fortnightly webinar series. If you would like to attend one, check out our dates and registration links. The recordings can also be found on our YouTube channel so you can see the photos that are described in the recordings.
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Episode 58 – Menaka – straight mum

Menaka’s SASS team is the first that we have supported from their introduction with their surrogate through to birth and now beyond for a year. Menaka and her husband, Simon, from the Gold Coast became parents to their daughter Isabelle in October 2023. Isabelle was carried by surrogate Nikita, who lives outside of Brisbane, who was previously a stranger and now a lifelong friend. It was a very long journey to parenthood with 7 years of IVF, myomectomy surgery, joining SASS in 2019 and 2 years later being introduced to Nikita and her family. Definitely a marathon not a sprint! 

Episode 51 – Bell – straight mum

Bell and her husband Keiron from regional South Australia became parents to their son Emmett in November 2023. Emmett was carried by surrogate Halina, who was previously a stranger, and was also created using donor eggs from one of Bell’s friends. It was a very long journey to parenthood with 2 stillbirths and 13 miscarriages as a result of Antiphospholipid Syndrome which is an immune condition where the blood is too thick. A very determined mother!

Episode 43 – Mira – straight mum

Mira and her husband Daniel are parents through surrogacy – twice! Their first son, Thomas, was born in July 2021 in Canada with surrogate Nadine. Their second son, Angus, was born in September in 2023 with their surrogate Lisa. Lisa is Daniel’s sister and the two families live in Sydney.

You can hear from her sister-in-law, Lisa, in episode 42

Episode 40 – Meg – straight mum

Meg and her partner, Matt, became parents to their daughter (Imogen) in September 2022. Imogen was carried by their surrogate who was a former work colleague of Meg’s and they all live in Brisbane. Meg needed a surrogate after radiation therapy to her pelvis damaged her ovaries and uterus.

Episode 35 – Angela – straight mum

Angela and husband Sandro from Melbourne, became parents to their daughter (Milana) in November 2016. Milana was carried by surrogate Cindy, who was previously a stranger, and was also created using donor eggs from Melinda whom they met through Egg Donation Australia. It was a very long journey to parenthood with 2 stillbirths at 24 weeks and 2 miscarriages before a 4 year surrogacy journey with 5 embryo transfers to Cindy (one was a miscarriage at 8 weeks). A very determined surrogacy team!

Episode 28 – Hannah – straight mum

Hannah became a mum through surrogacy in June 2019. Her daughter, Imara, was carried and birthed by Lee, who is Hannah’s cousin. Hannah was diagnosed with MRKH in her early 20s, which essentially means she was born without a uterus.

Hannah is a Mentor with SASS, especially for single mums, and has supported many new Intended Parents at the beginning of their journey – to listen, share her story and to help you feel less alone.

Episode 22 – Lauryn – straight mum

Lauryn and David, first from Melbourne and now in Sydney, are parents through surrogacy – TWICE! Their surrogate Sarah, from Canberra, was previously a stranger and now a life long friend. Sarah carried and birthed their daughters, Everlie, in April 2019 and Piper in November 2022.

Episode 16 – Elle – straight mum

Elle and her husband, Luke, from Adelaide expanded their family with son (Alfie) in March 2023. Alfie was carried by Sarah, whom they met at a mutual friend’s wedding. Elle also has Sonny who is 4, two still born babies – Taj and Lenny, and needed a surrogate due to her cervix not holding pregnancies to term. You can hear Sarah’s version of this story in the next episode.

Episode 13 – Trudy – straight mum

Trudy and Tom became parents to their daughter (Bonnie) in August 2020. Bonnie was carried by their surrogate Sarah who is Tom’s sister. Sarah lives with her husband and their two children in New York, meaning this was one complex surrogacy journey. Trudy is also a SASS Parent Mentor and has helped many IPs at the beginning of their journey.

Episode 5 – Sarah W – straight mum

​Sarah and Ben from Adelaide became parents to baby girl Evie in Feb 2021 when their surrogate, and now life long friend, Danni, birthed as a Traditional Surrogate after a long journey first as their Gestational surrogate. Sarah is also a SASS Parent Mentor and has helped many IPs at the beginning of their journey.