Surrogacy Australia runs monthly zoom catch up sessions (usually) on the first/second Friday of each month. They are hosted by community members on a rotating basis.

The sessions are for IPs (Intended Parents) and surrogates in a relaxed informal setting where you can get to know the surrogacy village.

No need to register, just come along on the night.

Zoom Catch Ups – frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How long will the Zoom session go for?

Quite a few hours! Come for the night or just to pop in and say hello for an hour at anytime in the night.

What will the format be?

We will commence at 8:00pm AEST.

We would like to think that these sessions will be fairly organic and we will guide the sessions accordingly, although we are open to feedback or suggestions.

  • Welcome, introductions and chatting
  • Break out rooms that rotate and last for about 15 minutes
  • Announcements from surrogacy teams
  • Maybe a quiz thrown in for fun
  • Farewells and feedback

Why should I go?

So you can socialise, have a laugh and get to know other IPs, parents through surrogacy, surrogates and potential surrogates.

Why shouldn’t I go?

It can be overwhelming when you are starting surrogacy and you may not be ready to take the leap. If you decide to leap, we can support you through it.

Can I remain anonymous?

In a Zoom meeting, your camera is on. In a webinar, your camera is off. If you want to learn more about surrogacy in private, consider joining one of the webinars.

We want to see you as a member of the village so if you are not ready to be seen, that’s ok. 

Will I be able to meet surrogates and IPs?

Surrogates, potential surrogates, IPs and parents through surrogacy are all invited.

What do I talk about in the break out rooms?

Remember, when you step into these break out rooms you are having a chat and a laugh with people who are both new and experienced in surrogacy. You can ask about surrogacy or life in general to get the conversation flowing.

Can I share these links for others to join?

Yes! Please do. Surrogacy Australia is passionate about information and support being available to all IPs and surrogates so they are not disadvantaged if they are not in Facebook groups.

I’m feeling lost!

If you’re brand new to surrogacy and are looking to learn about it first, our free regular Wednesday night webinars would be the best place to start. You can have your individual questions answered in the webinar (anonymously too if you prefer). Head to the webinar section of our website to read more.